Bribery and Corruption Certificate

Bribery and corruption refers to the practice of offering or accepting something of value, such as money or gifts, in exchange for influence or favors. Bribery and corruption can occur in any industry or sector, and can be committed by individuals, organizations, or even governments.

Bribery involves offering or accepting something of value in exchange for influence or favors. This can include the offering of cash, gifts, or other benefits to a person in a position of power or authority, such as a government official, in order to gain an advantage or obtain a desired outcome.

Corruption involves the abuse of power or position for personal gain. This can include the use of public resources for personal benefit, the awarding of contracts or other benefits to family or friends, or the acceptance of bribes or other forms of compensation in exchange for favorable treatment.

Bribery and corruption can have a significant impact on individuals and organizations, as well as on society as a whole. It can lead to a lack of trust in public institutions and government, reduced economic growth, and a negative impact on human rights and social welfare.

We are therefore pleased to introduce the CFCA Bribery and Corruption Certificate. Over 10 sessions, you will gain an understanding and awareness of key topics in this area, including


1.       Introduction to Corruption

2.       Types of Corruption and Related Activities

3.       Management and Employee Corruption

4.       Impact of Corruption on Customers

5.       Overview of Anti-Corruption Laws and Regulations

6.       The Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

7.       Role of Governance and Management

8.       Role of Anti-Corruption Officer in the Prevention of Corporate Corruption

9.       Corruption Identification and Investigation

10.   Reporting and Training


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