Fraud Certificate

Fraud refers to intentional deception or misrepresentation made for personal gain or to cause harm to others. Fraud can take many forms, including financial fraud, identity theft, insurance fraud, and healthcare fraud. It can be committed by individuals, organizations, or even governments.

We are pleased to introduce the CFCA Fraud Certificate. Over 10 sessions, you will gain an understanding and awareness of key topics in this area, including


1.       Introduction to Fraud

2.       Types of Fraud

3.       Understanding Fraudsters and Fraudulent Behaviour

4.       Classification of Fraudsters

5.       Fraud Triangle

6.       Fraud Deterrence

7.       Fraud Detection Methods

8.       Fraud Indicators and Alerts

9.       Fraud Investigation Process and Techniques

10.   Fraud Reporting and Record-Keeping


Bribery and Corruption Certificate


Information Security Certificate