Regulatory Compliance Certificate


Over 12 sessions, you will gain an understanding and awareness of key topics in this area, including


1.       Introduction to Regulatory Compliance

2.       National Legal and Regulatory CDD/KYC Frameworks

3.       Role and Supervision by Regulator

4.       Three Lines of Defence

5.       Board of Directors Governance

6.       Board Compliance Committee (BCC)

7.       Compliance Function

8.       Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

9.       Role of Internal Audit

10.   Risk Management

11.   Periodic Board Reporting

12.   Compliance Reviews and Training

When you have completed the Quiz, your digital certificate and badge will be issued

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Over 12 sessions, you will gain an understanding and awareness of key topics in this area, including


1.       Introduction to Regulatory Compliance

2.       National Legal and Regulatory CDD/KYC Frameworks

3.       Role and Supervision by Regulator

4.       Three Lines of Defence

5.       Board of Directors Governance

6.       Board Compliance Committee (BCC)

7.       Compliance Function

8.       Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

9.       Role of Internal Audit

10.   Risk Management

11.   Periodic Board Reporting

12.   Compliance Reviews and Training

When you have completed the Quiz, your digital certificate and badge will be issued

Over 12 sessions, you will gain an understanding and awareness of key topics in this area, including


1.       Introduction to Regulatory Compliance

2.       National Legal and Regulatory CDD/KYC Frameworks

3.       Role and Supervision by Regulator

4.       Three Lines of Defence

5.       Board of Directors Governance

6.       Board Compliance Committee (BCC)

7.       Compliance Function

8.       Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

9.       Role of Internal Audit

10.   Risk Management

11.   Periodic Board Reporting

12.   Compliance Reviews and Training

When you have completed the Quiz, your digital certificate and badge will be issued